Top 10 Lessons About Types Of Digital Marketing To Learn - Ecomvraj

The new “typologies” of digital marketing that we can see in this transition to another, surely better stage, without going into the strategies of each one of them, could be:

Inbound Marketing: Probably the most "general" and specific at the same time of the new conception of marketing, in which the user is accompanied throughout the transaction he has with us, towards our product, from the moment we "know" him to his loyalty. going through all the phases of the conversion funnel: Attraction, (which this type of marketing contemplates through payment or content management), use of analytics and tools that help us understand that user, the capture of leads (and the strategy nurturing ), its conversion to sales and subsequent treatment to increase its average basket, its purchase volume.

Content marketing: where you can compete in the world of search engines to attract organic traffic, SEO positioning, and make the customer fall in love. We have different variants in its application, such as branded content or the generation of content by a brand to be published outside my media, and get earned media. In this type of marketing, emphasis is placed on the conversational relationship that is generated a posteriori, and new figures appear, such as the content curator.

Search engine marketing: Fundamental in any marketing strategy from before we start making our website. A strategy that encompasses the entire digital strategy to be well-positioned in search results and thus captures the highest potential traffic possible.

Email Marketing: User relationship strategy based on emails. The type of emails that we will send to the user is established based on our relationship with him over time, inputs received, clicks ... That order: welcome, products, offers, can be combined with the information we want and can give, and also the metrics obtained, from the number of emails sent, those that are erroneous, the openings of the email, and then clicks on the creative or HTML.

Marketing Automation: Tools, technologies that put at our service a relationship with the user based on the data we have about him such as email, telephone, his contact in social networks, etc ... We can combine our communication with him according to previous responses, purchases, products visited or acquired ...

Affiliate Marketing: Portals that "affiliate" with a company that through its technology and sales team "sell" my inventory based on performance, to clear objectives that the advertiser seeks, such as the achievement of leads or sales, and ultimately, also clicks or traffic to your own website.

Mobile marketing: fundamental to understand it in a world in which geolocation is basic for many services. In addition to the correct management of the apps, the instant relationship with the client, the infinite possibilities in communication, and the advertising opportunities from the banner, such as the " click to the calendar, to the app store, to maps " ...

Influencer Marketing: as part of social media management. The search for characters related to my brand that generate a large amount of content for an immense volume of followers, obtaining viralizations, reach, engagement with audiences that are attracted by these "influencers".

Internal marketing: Critical type of marketing to have, in a digital way, "controlled" my three audiences, the B2B, B2C, and B2E, or business to an employee. Document management systems, intranets, talent management and recruitment, training ...

Retail digital marketing: Based on the analytics that I can capture in the physical store, through tools such as wifi or video analytics, or the combination of the customer journey on the web and the store by capturing a record, or the possibility of showing one or another announcement through digital signage based on historical data or obtained at the same time.
